Sunday 6 July 2014

Adra La Kayena Blog

Assalamualaykum wbt, everyone! 

Maaf sangat sebab tak update apa-apa di ruangan ni, however, worry no more because.....jeng jeng jeng!!! 

Ingat lagi tentang Adra La Kayena i told you in a post recently? Aha, the project we've been working on for the past month is actually a group blog! All 5 of us will take turn in posting inspiring stories, knowledge on Islam and much more insyaAllah! 

Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Moh le jenguk-jenguk blog we'olls di 

Jazakallahu khayr, assalamualaykum! 

Saturday 28 June 2014

Ramadhan Kareem Everyone!

Assalamualaykum wbt,

Harap semua sihat belaka, alhamdulillah kita masih diberi kesempatan oleh Allah swt untuk berjumpa dan beribadah dalam bulan mulia, Ramadhan kali ini kan! 

Ingat tak Syawal tahun lepas kita sibuk berdoa berharap agar Ramadhan tahun lepas bukan yang terakhir untuk kita dan keluarga, alhamdulillah Allah perkenankan doa itu dan sekarang adalah masa untuk kita laksanakan ibadah-ibadah yang tak sempat kita kerjakan last year! MashaAllah, berganda besar ganjaran Allah janjikan untuk setiap ibadah dibulan mulia ini tau dak? 

Hmm, iolls ada few suggestions of good deens yang boleh kita cuba praktikkan dibulan Ramadhan kali ini:-

1. Perbaiki percakapan dan tatasusila dengan orang sekeliling
2. Ni paling famous kot bagi yang belum bertudung, inilah masanya biasakan diri! 
3. Sadaqah, walaupun hanya dengan senyuman!
4. Amalan-amalan sunnah Rasulullah SAW i.e: qiamulail, solat sunat rawatib, tarawikh, etc
5. Yang ni mungkin kedua famous, khatam Al-Quran, atau nak lebih advance bolehlah tadabbur Al-Quran! 

Sebenarnya banyak lagi pilihan ibadah untuk dilakukan sepanjang Ramadhan ni, iolls yakin mesti uolls pun ada list masing-masingkan? Semoga segalanya berjalan lancar dan kita sama-sama peroleh barakah dari Ramadhan kali ini, insyaAllah :)

Sampai sini dahulu, harap bermanfaat. Sesungguhnya yang baik itu dari Allah swt dan yang buruk itu dari iolls sendiri harap dimaafkan, jazakallah for reading! 

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ikhlas Ke Tak Ni?

Assalamualaykum wbt, kawan-kawan! Hee, harini iolls terpanggil nak menulis tentang ikhlas bila diduga, insyaAllah harap sama-sama bermanfaat untuk semua ye :)

Mulut kita selalu cuba ingatkan diri sendiri malah kadang-kadang tu mulut tu sibuk jugak bagitahu orang sekeliling yang kita tengah cuba nak ikhlas, yang kita memang ikhlas dengan dugaan yang sedang jadi, be it small or big ones kan? Alhamdulillah, to me that is also one of the ways of teaching oneself to be patient kan? 

Tapi dalam tak sedar kita rupanya hanya berada di takuk lama je. What i mean is, kita diuji dengan kehilangan kemudian kita tersedar kita sedang diuji dengan kehilangan tu dan pujuk hati untuk sabar dan alhamdulillah hati mula nak redha dengan kehilangan tersebut tetapi...tiba-tiba datang pula orang sekeliling yang bertanyakan keadaan kita okey ke idok, nasihat untui sabar dan redha, tambah lagi dengan social media yang macam-macam jenis la ni, kita pun duk sibuk update "sabarlah hati..sabarlah.." And etc what's worst? Doakan keburukan bagi orang lain seolah-olah menyalahkan takdir/si pelaku/punca kehilangan, naudzubillah min zalik. Sedar tak rupanya cuma kepala kata redha dan ikhlas tapi hati, mulut dan tangan berkata lain? Ikhlas mungkin ada tapi tak mencapai tahap piawaian. 

I am not writting this with the intention of being sarcastic or inhuman, tidak sama sekali. Malah aku doakan bagi yang baru melalui dugaan besar/kecil dalam hidup tu agar diberi kesabaran dan kekuatan untuk teruskan hidup, insyaAllah. Iolls menulis sekadar nak mengingatkan sebab kadang-kadang kita yang sedang melalui dugaan ni tahap kewarasan tu bukan di tahap sepatutnya jadi iolls berasa tanggungjawab sebagai saudara seagama untuk ingatkan kalian. Andai kata satu hari tiba giliran aku diuji sebesar ujian kalian, tolonglah ingatkan aku juga ye? Sebab aku pun manusia.

Bersabarlah seikhlasnya, elakkan mendoakan malang untuk orang lain walaupun mereka telah berbuat jahat pada kita. Ingat, sesuatu yang berlaku itu atas kehendak Allah sama ada baik atau buruk hasilnya pada mata kasar, ada hukmahnya yang Allah nak hantar pada kita, biidznillah. 

Harap entry ni dapat membantu dan meringankan sikit beban hati uolls ok? Iolls doakan yang terbaik untuk semua insyaAllah :) 

Thank you for reading, Allah swt knows best! 

Friday 20 June 2014

Quick Updates Pt. 1

Assalamualaykum warahmatullahiwabarokatuh! 

MashaAllah, it has been too long since my last post ek? Please, forgive me my baaaaaad! Iolls nak update tapi masa takde plus the laziness hikhik! Just so you know even this first paragraph took me about a week to complete it ok?! Lol lazy me. Maaf beribu maaf.

Oh oh i have a very good news mashaAllah, one of my cousins more like a sister to me because we're all like siblings (mom's side) has decided to cover her hair. Subhanallah, i really hope that allah would make it an easy path for her hijra and grant her highest rank of patience in pursuing Jannah, biidznillah. 

Credits to: AzriannaPhotography, La Kayena, TheLittleDarlings & ShawlSuriy

Not only that, mashaAllah i was given a chance to be part of La Kayena team (well, model to be exact hikhik) and worked with the awesome Mrs Maria Elena the mother to the more awesome daughter, Ms Nadrah! Lol! So, there are five of us that was chosen and we called ourselves, Adra La Kayena! I'm super excited, we're working on our very first project or should i call it 2nd since we did the photoshoot for the latest looks of La Kayena? Heee, bukan apa.. We'olls are working on a project that is probably first time and never ever crossed our mind pun before joining La Kayena Role Model Search. Walaubagaimanapun, please please please make du'a for us so that the project going smooth dan menjadi, insyaAllah. Tolong ye? Mekasih!

Next! Wuaaaaa, i know i've promised you guys notes from the talk i went last month, Ilm Fest Malaysia kannnnnn but i only managed to share one je. Heppp, no worries you may check in my Instagram: follow me! because i did managed to upload few notes from Ilm Fest!! Alhamdulillah, thank you so much to whoever that invested instagram, you've made blogging easier, hehehe!

Hm, I think that is all for now, I'll insyaAllah try o update more in future! Syukran jadzilan for reading and please please please, feel free to share whatever from my posts that you found benefiting the ummah, insyaAllah! Have a good day insyaAllah!

Do It Lillahita'ala

Alhamdulillah, things are getting a better day by day. Things are getting better not because it happened the way i wished but because Allah wants it to be that way and He planned the best of everything. One thing for sure i learned from this experience is that, to put your heart up to Allah, ONLY. If you're wishing, hoping, wanting, dreaming of something make sure it's only to Allah. Because Allah will never betrays you, Allah never breaks His promises, in fact Allah has always wants the best for us.

Therefore, keep these in mind. When you love someone, love them lillahitaala. When you be friends with anyone, do it lillahitaala. When you want something, wish for it lillahitaala. When you advise someone, advise them lillahitaala. When you hate sins, hate it lillahitaala. Try your best to relate everything you wish/do with the intention of pleasing Allah and none others.

Trust me InsyaAllahu taala, with the intention of pleasing Allah, it will protect you from heartbroken over either people nor anything else. Tahu kenapa? Sebab belum pernah dengar lagi cerita orang berbuat sesuatu lillahitaala namun bila tidak menjadi seperti diimpikan, dia patah semangat sampai rasa taknak hidup dah. Kan?

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua, Wallahua'lam, jazakallahu khayr for reading!

Islam Really Is A Religion of Peace


 Here is one of the notes i got from the Malaysia IlmFest that I attended few weeks back, which explains the confusing phrase "Islam is a religion of peace" but why most authors elaborate it in a different way. Well actually it not, because....

The non muslims always misinterpreted that Islam is all about war because the way most books written about the sirah; they placed all the battles that the prophet saw and the companions went through in one topic (one battle after another)

Explanation: like any other biographies, ppl crave for the actions/climax and in the sirah, those battles are the actions/climax/important events. Most authors placed it all together in a chapter/book to tell people the details on those battles ie why, when, what happened after, etc. Does not mean it happened it was a non stop, one after another.

It may be short and simple, i tried to make it as clear as i can from what I understand from the lecture held by Sheikh El Mekki.

May it be beneficent to anyone reading it, biidznillah! And Allah swt knows best, jazakallahu khayr!

Staying on The Right Path

Assalamualaykum earthlings!

What inspired me to write about this, this time? Well, have any of you gone through a phase where you've decide to change for better for (lets say) quite few months and then the past came back, reminding you of how awesome-er it could have been if you did not make any changes or to be exact the changes you've made? Aha, i did. Pendek cerita, i dah decide pakai tudung so i did lepastu rindu kenangan lama pakai loose and less material on my body sebab cuaca panas baq hang dekat Malaysia ni maka datanglah syaitan durjana menghasut untuk kembali jahil (lol am i being exaggerating here?!) Yup, i've gone through that and Alhamdulillah, with the help of Allah and good friends He surrounded me with, I passed that phase without having to be jahil again. Well, what i am going to write after this are only quotes that i got from few blogs that has inspired me sepanjang my hijrah path (perhaps?). Jadi, tolong take note everything i am going to write below, does not belong to me :)

The only judgement you should care is His. Do all the good deeds (not only with hijab) regularly to increase our Imaan; just like exercise is important to health, yet it has to be combined with healthy eating and many more for us to get the desired body shape/weight.

Wearing hijab does not make us a better muslim than the other muslims, remember that we are all sinners, It's only Allah's mercy upon us that He is As-Siteer, one who veils our faults and flaws and make us seem better than we really are in others' eyes.

Oh!!! Have you guys seen the video on how to react to a compliment by the brilliant sheikh Saad Tasleem? If you have not, you may watch here . And also, here is the Du'a he shared on that video which I think it should be our favorite du'a too starting today, insyaAllahu taala :)
"O Allah, forgive me for what they do not know about me and make me even better than what they think of me"

Semoga entri ini bermanfaat juga bagi korang-korang yang membaca, nak pahala lebih boleh share jugak! Biidznillah. Jazakallahu khayr for reading!